How to Get Service of Process Quickly

Time Waits for No One

Preparation Saves Money, Worry & Time

The HKPS team of servers aims for efficient and cost-effective service of process in Hong Kong, China and Macau as well as other parts of SE Asia, and more and more frequently, jurisdictions outside Asia.

The service of process overseas can be unsettling. Your experience will be enhanced by employing a professional agency with local knowledge and a great network of talented professional process servers. 

The more information you provide in your first email or the quotation form, the easier it is for us to provide a quick quotation.  Administration chews up everyone’s time.  

If you require serves, or even complementary investigations, in Hong Kong, China, Macau and other parts of SE Asia – you will be surprised at the speed and quality of the results attained by HKPS. Through professional networks, we can serve quickly and efficiently across Canada, most of the USA, Australasia, and in many remote parts of the world.

On a couple of occasions, new clients, after having unsuccessfully attempted serves with other agencies, have referred to us as “lucky”.  When we first started the company, we sometimes even thought of ourselves as “lucky” with a high percentage of first-time serves. 

However, after years in the business, it is our opinion that timely serves with affidavits that stand up in court are a result of preparation between ourselves and our clients.

We do our utmost to achieve service of process quickly – within 48hrs – and without additional charges.

“Luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky.”

Oprah Winfrey

10 Steps for a Speedy Service of Process

HKPS has been serving process in Hong Kong, Macau and China, from many jurisdictions, for a number of years.  Our accumulated experience means that we are now experts in the service of process and the leading process servers in Hong Kong. 

Our experience has allowed us to develop 10 Steps for a Speedy Service of Process.  

Follow our 10 Steps for an efficient and cost effective service of process. 

Complete the online quotation form for service of process whilst giving us as MUCH information as you can.

In the comments field at the bottom, add additional information, such as: 

  • Deadline, if any
  • Country of serve – if not Hong Kong
  • Telephone numbers, pictures of person to be served etc
  • Details of anything that you are having difficulty finding – such as an address or even the Subject
  • If you are a private individual – and not a lawyer or business administrator – please check with a lawyer or government department – the terms under which your documents must be served

We will do our utmost to send a fixed price quotation within 24 hrs.

Computer glitches are not unheard of! 🙁

  • Please email us at, or
  • Call +852 248 999 48

In your email to, please:

  • Please confirm your acceptance of the quotation
  • Provide FULL and DETAILED instructions for process serve
  • Ensure delivery address(es) is/ are accurate or alert us if you are unsure and require pre-serve checks.
  • If applicable, ensure the correct case numbers are on each page

Please check that everything in the invoice is clear.

The two payment methods will be outlined in the invoice.

You may settle fee by:

  1. PayPal: with an additional 5% to cover fees, or
  2. Bank Transfer to Hong Kong: ensuring all banks fees – including any intermediary banks – are paid by you
  3. Payment through (previously known as Its exchange rates are competitive and it is usally very fast.

We will inform you once payment has been received.  Please then send documents ASAP.  You may do this by:

  1. Email: Use PDF format.  Please state if we need to collate the documents in a certain manner.
  2. Courier of Original documents: We will confirm the address with you prior to posting.  Please email us the tracking number and the name of courier that you used.

As soon as HKPS has completed the service of process, we email all results as outlined in your accepted  quotation.

If an affidavit has been included in your accepted quotation, you will receive a comprehensive report:

  • First, read the report.
  • Use report to prepare the affidavit.
  • Ensure the content of the affidavit is correct.
  • Email the affidavit to

If required, we can scan a copy before posting according to your instructions in quotation acceptance.  

We will notify you of courier company and tracking number.